I had the most delightful telephone call today from Isdihara! You know, I think we must have all been separated at birth. I don't think I've ever spoken to a tatting stranger. They just don't exist. Thanks, Issy!
I thought I'd give you another bathroom update. The tile got up on the walls, the fixtures got put in, then I needed to grout. Yes, that was a little backwards, but I had to work with the plumber guy schedule. I grouted the wall where all the fixtures went, then after the fixtures were replumbed I grouted the remaining tile.
You remember Crazy Mom of Crazy Mom Tats!? Well, she frequently writes of the adventures of her children, the Stooges. I have some Stooges of my own, but mine are the furry kind -- Chatty, Stinky and Nedsel. They may be feline, but they want to help just the same.