Oh, my. There's so much to tell about. It's been a while since I've posted here, mainly because I've been busy having all manner of adventures.
Here's the last from my figure painting class. This was the model's first sitting. Ever. Needless to say, I'm sure she was really thrilled to find out all I painted was her face while she sat there in her birthday suit. Raymond snapped this picture. He took it outside - he thought the shadow of the branches made it look "more artier". Heh.

Here's the next to last painting I did. I can see some improvement.

Enough of that for now.
Back at the beginning of March my adventures began with a trip to Atlanta to attend the Atlanta IOLI Lace Day. I had intended to take a Torchon class, but ended up in Louise Colgan's Milanese class instead. I think Louise should be awarded a bronze star for tolerating my newbieness and general stupidity. I'm still working on my project (the heart). I may finish before I turn 60.
Here are some of the other pillows and folk from the class.

Enough of that.
While I was in Atlanta, Amy and I shared sisterly bonding by making some things for the set of the play she was directing, "You Can't Take it With You". We did a 4 foot square stained glass window for the set out of Gallery Glass. Here's a pic of it in progress. The play didn't open until the weekend after I was down there.

Nothing would do but for me to take Mattie back down to Atlanta two weeks after the lace day. Here's the set Amy came up with.

I think it looks just like the interior of one of those browstones you see in the movies.
Here's the window. Oh, and Mattie. Doing what she does best.